I am so tired of this election cycle. I am exhausted. I am tired of the candidates and their incessant blabbering. We have been playing this election game for far to long in my opinion. In addition to the candidates non-stop yapping, we now have social media, and suddenly the good and decent people you thought you knew have turned into purple polka-dotted monsters. Spewing whatever crap (both true and false) their party has given them the previous few days. I, unlike many, try to stay out of it and keep my nose mildly clean. It's not that I don't have my opinions, because I certainly do, but I respect that those around me may not feel the same.
I also HATE when those running for office tell me how bad their opponent is......I will do my own looking into your opponent, tell me about you! Tell me about your plan and YOUR ideas! Pointing out your opponents short comings makes you look shallow and mean, and I don't do shallow and mean. I also do not appreciate 5 million phone calls, this is particularly true when I am putting my children to bed, or after I have told you 65 times I will not support your candidate. (Mia Love, please make note of both these statements.) And if I ask to have my name removed from a calling list and your volunteer gets nasty, it sure doesn't win you any points in my book, whether you have paid for the add or not. You might consider that when you develop your platform, and who you seek support from.
That may all sound like I do not value my vote. My right to vote. My American status. You are WRONG. I am very deeply rooted in my roots. I am only a second generation American on my mom's side of the family. My grandparents did it the hard way. They came here (one on a cattle boat, thank you very much), established themselves, had a family. My Grandmother, even became a citizen after many years. I don't know about my Grandpa, I never had the pleasure of meeting him, he died when my mom was young. I very much value the rights and liberties I have, and am grateful for them.
So yes, I will vote. I have my mail-in ballot right here next to me on the table. And I will likely complain to someone (likely my politically chatty husband) about how the elections turn out. But don't for one second think I will not be so excited they are OVER!!! After all, someone will have to start campaigning again 6 months from now for an election 3 and 1/2 years from that time.