Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where Does The Time Go?

Seems like just yesterday Greg and I decided it was time to grow our little family, with Nathan. And now he is staring preschool. The boy is so amazingly eagar to learn, I felt it must be time. Nathan will be attending Learning Dynamics Preschool in Riverton this year. It is new to the Salt Lake Valley, but I love that they teach phonics. I firmly believe that if you teach a child to read, the rest is cake. You can learn nearly anything if you can read. My girlfriend Katie had here daughter in their Orem school last year and she will be continuing on this year. She has said they are a great school so I am excited for Nathan to start attending the school. But it is truly still a bit of a slap in the face as to how fast they grow. It is unbelievable to look back at his first photos, such a tiny baby.....4 pounds 7 ounces, all hooked up in the NICU and now people want to know if he is 4 or 5 and I want to scream HE IS 3! Greg and I know that we are so amazingly fortunate that Nathan is healthy. We know how easy it would be for things to have gone the other way and we try our vey best not to take him for granted. So here is to my baby boy.....the world had better watch out, because whether I am ready or not.....You are on your way.

1 comment:

Jann said...

If it makes you feel better, when Mason gets asked how "many" he is, he always answers "Five!" I at one point had him talked down to answering 'three', but I think these boys are just as anxious to grow up as we are for them not to. Congrats on the milestone, Nate. I still wish you many years of playing trains, bouncing while you watch movies, and endless discovery and awe at the world around you.