Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ear tubes!

Okay, I hope we are done. I mean I really like the ENT we use, but I really just don't want to spend any more time with him. And hopefully with Friday's events, pending one follow up appointment, we will have wrapped it all up. Alex got tubes in both her little ears yesterday. It went well (for the most part, we had a little issue with the nursing staff and Alex's red dye allergy) and she has bounced back to her good old self. She puked like a 2-headed monster in the car, all over herself and her carseat on the way home, but we made it in one piece. I am so excited to be hopefully be done with ear infections and a miserable child. Lex has had 6 double ear infections in the past year, and the last one was a doozie. She was miserable for days, and I felt so bad for her. You know if she stops moving and wants to cuddle up to you, then there is something wrong, because Iswear, She NEVER stops moving. And she gave up cuddleing at like 10 months old, as soon as she learned to walk. So, despite my affection for Dr. Child (the greatest ENT ever!! he also did Nate's tonsils and adnoid removal in May) I really hope that we can retire your telephone number for a good long time. We will be more than happy to refer you to him though, if you need a great ENT.

1 comment:

AMPM said...

I am imagining the mucus puke now and I am glad that it had nothing to do with my car and my carseat!