Thursday, August 6, 2009

Alex is 18 Months!

Alright, I am about a week late on this, but better late than never.

Lex went to the dr. last week for her 18 month check-up, and all is well. Her tubes have given us 3 whole months without an ear infection. That is the longest we have gone since she was born. She had her first one at 4 months old and from there it was like clock work that she would have a double ear infection every 6 weeks or so. Needless to say we are super excited to be done with that.

She weighed in at 24 pounds. and that puts her in the 50% for that. The same was true of her head put her in the 50% range. She is 33.4 inches tall which puts her in the 90% for height. Not really a suprise there. She is a tall cookie just like her big brother. She is following her established growth cruve nicely, and all her immunizations are up to date, and we are good until she needs her flu shot this fall.

So, despite our fondness for our wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Cox, you will have to find another family to pay for all your stiches in your nose. We are taking a break from sick kids. See ya in the fall for flu shots and then not again until 5 and 2 yr old check-ups!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yea for no more ear infections and a healthy kid! I know what you mean about liking your kids doc, but not wanting to see them every montn or so!