Monday, March 22, 2010

Andy and Coop

Cooper looking serious. This much drool takes a lot of work! Please forgive the hot dog on his cheek, we were having lunch.

Andy is all smiles. Notice the black eye, my coffee table strikes yet again! Hope that chicks wil dig his scars too! And this picture makes that eye look AWFUL!

I love these two boys almost as much as my own. Okay, I admit, probably as much as my own. Okay, I think they are mine too! I love them oodle and bits. They are soooo funny! They like to beat the crap out of each other and then yell about it. So funny to watch. I feel for their parents in the years to come. There is going to be a lot of "mom he looked at me" moments. I can just see it now. The are mobile, which as we all know means that the easy part is so over. Andy is the army crawl boy and Cooper is a hands and knees crawler and both of them are all over the place. Clearly from the black eye, you can also tell they are starting to pull themselves up on things. Andrew more than Cooper, but you never know when one of them is going to be trying to climb your leg on any given day. They both still enjoy a good magazine. Not to read, but to shred and eat. I think they both prefer Ladies Home Journal with Good Housekeeping coming in a close second. I can hardly believe that they are nealry 11 months old. Time has flown by. Our days when they are not here are so strangle quiet. My kids miss them when they are not here. We are so luck to have them as part of our family!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

They are adorable!