Friday, May 14, 2010

Thoughts on a Boy I will never know

Something awful happened last week here in Utah. It happened to a child I never knew, and needless to say I never will. I do not know his family. Until this happened, I had never heard his name. Ethan Stacy was 4 years old. So young, so innocent. And maybe some would argue a victim of circumstance. I, personally, think there is no excuse for what happened to this little guy. His mother allowed him to be beaten to death by her boyfriend/husband. I am appalled. I am disgusted. I am in a state of sheer disbelief. To allow your child to be harmed in such a manner is NEVER okay. And to say that you allowed your child to go without medical care because you were afraid that you would be hurt. NO FREAKING WAY!!! I find myself so very angry. If you did not want the child, why in the world would you fight for custody? So you could hurt his father. Mission accomplished. But I am further angered that anyone would use a child as a pawn in a game of who can hurt who worse. Ethan was a person, not a pawn is some sick game of "I will show you". I am do deeply religious, I have my faith and my beliefs, and one of them is hurt a child, especially your own child, gives you a reserved place in the ugliest place in Hell. Your child was a gift. There are plenty of people out there who would have been more than happy to love that little guy as their own....including his father. I hope that one day there is peace for his family. And I hope some how this little dude knows that there are people who love him. People who have never met him love him. And that he his death has not been in vain. Maybe we can learn from the loss of this little boy. That there is always another way, and this is NOT EVER OKAY!!!

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