Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3

More than just a date, it is my birthday. I have had pretty much a regular day at home. Cleaning things up, hanging with my cute little family and enjoying just being me. My mom and brother (I already had the twiners all day long) joined us for a delicious Chinese food dinner and a fantastic cake. I got some fun gifts and am ready to roll into bed. After all, today may be my birthday, but after December 3 always comes December 4. And that means Nathan's birthday. He will be 6 this year. SIX!! I know I lament every year that this cannot be happening, but I am truly shocked every year. I will never forget 27. It was one of the best and scariest birthdays ever. I know by now you have all heard the story, so I will not bore you all with it again (you can read it here if you have missed it before). But really, where does the time go? I am not nearly as shocked about turning (cough33mumble) as I am about my son growing up and turning 6. I am happy with another year with my family and friends. I am right where I belong. I love you all.

1 comment:

Jann said...

I'm the same. My birthday rolls right off my back. I do laundry usually (seems like I do a disproportionate amount on that day for some reason). I push through a day--sometimes fun, sometimes not--full of kids, whining, laughing, playing, cleaning, etc. Then I climb into bed and forget about it.

But on Mason's birthday? Forget it. I look around and wonder where I've hidden those hours, weeks, days... it's just all gone. So much to look forward to still, but it's flying by.

Happy Birthday to you both! ;)