Friday, June 13, 2008

Alex's Ears

My baby has an ear infection. This is ruff stuff for a 4 and 1/2 month old. She has been pretty crabby for about a week, but I contributed it to teething. The drool factor at our house is reaching epic proportions. But today I decided it was time to haul her little hiney in to the peds office after she spent an hour yelling at me. She yelled if I held her, she yeld harder if I laid her down. It was insane, especially when you consider that she is a fairly mellow baby. So after digging the ear wax out the Dr. decided that yes, she did have a nice ear infection....Not a terrible one, just a miserable one. So for the next 10 days we will keep our little bottle of Amoxicillan near by, and the tylenol even closer. Wish me luck.


Jann said...

Well, that certainly explains the fussing in the background when we talked. Poor little girl! And her poor mom! Ear infections aren't any fun. Here's hoping she thinks the medicine is candy and it helps sooner rather than later!

AMPM said...

Love the little do dadds on the side. So cute! Give Al some Auntie kisses poor bug.