Monday, March 16, 2009

One Busy Saturday....

Saturday was a busy one for us. We had a wedding to go to and a sibling (mine) moving. Of course these 2 things, must be scheduled for the exact same time, because what fun would it be if they were not?
I started the day earlier than desired and rack with guilt by running to the grocery store to make up a goodie basket for my brother and his cute wife and their moving crew, as we were not able to really be of much help. I stocked a cooler with water, vitamin water and a few sodas. I also packed up some apples, chex mix (store bought....much as it is a shame to admit) and some cookies. Oh, and because I knew the guys helping him move, a 12 pack of Budwiser. Got home, got Alex and myself thru the shower, got ready, tried on 2 different skirts (could not decide which one I liked better...finally settled on the khaki linen one) and got the kids packed up and out the door. My mom had been kind enough to take Nathan so that he would not have to sit and be bored thru the wedding, we took Alex with us. We ran to my brother's old house to drop off Nathan (my mom was helping him move, of course) and the goodies, already way later than I wanted to be. My in-laws called as we were leaving there asking where the heck we were.....I love them so much, but they should know by now we are always late. Greg said we were 10 minutes out, then he and his Dad debated who's time was right, my cars, or his watch. I had no desire to be late for the ceremony, but it is not like we were part of the wedding party! As it turned out a member of the brides family had car trouble and so we arrived in just the nick of time, with a 1 year old who did not get her morning nap. As luck would have it Alex, was so good. She crawled all over her Grandpa and just as she was about to get restless, the ceremony was over and we were headed down the hallway to the luncheon, where she was able to pig out on strawberries and chocolate.
So once that was done, and by the way, we wish Bryan and Heather many happy years to come, we dashed home, changed clothes and headed over to "the new house" to help with the unpacking. While on the way over (yes, I talk and drive...hello I am a Mom, multitaking is my midlle name) I called my mom and she said that my aunt had taken Nathan to her house "the farm" and that we could pick him up there later. We went and helped as best we could with the unpacking, went home and changed AGAIN, and went to get Nathan (who had an awesome time at the farm...he fed the chickens, the cows, collected the farm fresh eggs, and made cookies with Rosie.) and went back to the wedding reception. We had also made plans that night to go to dinner with friends (more about that in a sec). At the reception, we handed both little ones off to their Grandma and Grandpa, with the passing notion that they were hungry and needed to be fed and also to be bathed ( Nate apparently had a good time in the grain bin at the farm), and dashed back home one more time to find our friends sitting on the couch waiting for us....thank heavens for coded garage doors so they could get in.
We had a great dinner with 2 of our most wonderful friends. Greg and Jared met at Snow College when they lived in the dorms there together many moons ago. Katie and I met at their wedding reception in 2001. I cannot tell you how great it is to have such awesome friends. We can (and do) talk about everything, and mostly agree, but it is okay if we don't too. We have kids that are very close to the same age (Alyssa just turned 5 and Nate will be there is Dec.) and our kids get along pretty much like siblings. Last time we had them together they were agruing about the road work on 10600 South. Nathan said they were widening the road and Alyssa was insistant that they were building a town. I think we were about 10 seconds from hair pulling when Katie and I had to set the record straight that, they were in fact, widening the road. Much to Alyssa's dismay. After dinner we came home, and the boys introduced Katie and I to the finer side of Youtube (if there is such a thing) and then we had to go our seperate ways to reclaim our children or really rescue the grandparents. But it was a great end to a day of craziness.
And as I lay in bed, next to my cute hubby, I am so aware of how great our life is. Sure it is chaotic, busy and non-stop, but it is full of great people who love us and that we love, and there is not much better than that.

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