Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My thoughts on Spring

I am not a big fan of Spring. In fact it is probably my least favorite season. And here is never know what you are going to get. It is supposed to be warming!! But around here, it just has been doing anything but getting warm. Take this lovely little fact, at Brighton (a local ski resort) they recieved about 57 inches of snow during March of 2010, that would be 31 days, this will matter in just a second. During the first five days of April, Brighton recieved 58 inches of new snow. Yep, that is right, they out did the entire month of March is just 5 days!!! Rediculious!! Okay, so good news if you are a skier, which for the record I am NOT. But crazy for all the rest of us. Last year it was freezing cold and wet until the last week of JUNE. So much for the whole global warming thing everyone is always yapping about! And I remember last year very clearly becasue we tried to sit outside to watch our cities yearly fireworks wrapped in fleece blakents while wearing our coats and gloves! Needless to say they ended up being rescheuduled for later in the year!! Spring is just a crazy time here. You could get weather that is lovely, rainy or even snowy. One can never quite be sure. I enjoy winter. Alot! It is supposed to be cold and wet. I expect snow. Heck, I even desire it. I know it is supposed to be cold. And that is sunny and cold that I am good with. But I am not good with 40 degrees in April. So come on Mother Nature, let's get on the right schedule here. Give us some nice a little warm days before we do what we did last year, which was to go from 40 to 90 in about 5 days. I am going to need more time to adjust then that.

1 comment:

AMPM said...

Spring is a tease....that's why I don't like her. Freezing to hot in the same day. Heater in the morning......AC in the afternoon.