Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to It!

What is "IT" you may be wondering. "IT" is all of that stuff that happens everyday, that during the past 2 lucious weeks of family, friends and holidays, that I have neither delt with nor even considered. Such as, making sure the kids really are in bed at a decent time, because the big one has to be up and in a decent mood for school in the morning. Realizing that at some point I really ought to take my Christmas tree down. I must admit I love the glow that the lights give in the darkness of the evenings, but really at this point, I think it is an 11 foot window blocker. And, since I am taking down the tree, I really ought to put away all the dishes from fancy family meals. And, I can no longer get away with leaving it all out becasue I am going to use it to make ________ for Christmas. The dishes and the counter must be conquered this week. All the new and exciting things we got for Christmas must be removed from the living room and found homes. Proper homes, not just shoved in a corner. I do not believe in out of sight as being properly put away. I would rather leave it out than throw it where it does not belong, hence my house looks like hell 90% of the time, becasue I have some difficulty getting other people who live here to see it my way! I also need to mail the Christmas cards, which will from now on be refered to as New Years cards. And, as soon as I buy stamps, I will do just that, mail them and change their official name. I also have to get Nathan registered for school times 2. Next years program at Learning Dynamics (did that today when I picked him up!) and for KINDERGARTEN tomorrow at the elementary school down the street. I just died a little as I typed that. I know, I know he must grow up, as my mom reminds me her baby is now thirty-two. But really, elementary school......I am so NOT ready for that! And last but not least on my list of things to return to normal schedule is the laundry. Greg had a week off from work, but now his dress shirts are starting to pile-up and our clothes and the kids clothes and the kitchen towels. At least I conquered all the stuff from St George. Including the king size sheets which are not only clean, but folded and put away. Gold star for me! All right if this stuff is ever going to get done, I better publish this and get on it....Lord knows there is no magical fairy going to be doing IT all for me. Ahhh, but a girl can dream!

1 comment:

AMPM said...

guh....back to the grind.